Virginia Marriage Records
           1853 - 1935
There are many records of marriages for the state of Virginia. There are alot of them listed in books and on microfilms since the 1600's.

I search for  marriage records for the fee of $10.00 each. If you do not know the date of the marriage then I will search the index reels first.

The years of marriages I will be getting range from 1853-1935.
These marriage records are NOT individual licenses, certificates or anything like that, these are listed on registers with other people's names and each couple has their information on one line which runs across two pages. All of the copies will be from microfilms.

Now, sometimes I can find actual marriage licenses, that depends on whether the Library of Va. where I get these has marriage licenses on microfilms for the particular county or city. They do not have licenses for every county or city. Click here to find what places they do have licenses for and what years.

I charge a $10.00 fee per search request right now, whether I find the record or not. If it is there I will find it.  I would appreciate it if you could send payment om advance, I will hold onto the payment until work is done.
Too many people have either paid me late in the past or never paid me at all.

I am not responsible if your envelope is lost in the mail. I keep receipts for when I sent the items and where they went, so if your item(s) do get lost, I can send you a copy of the receipt showing that I did indeed send it out.

So, if you would like me to get you some of these marriage records I will be glad to help you. You may now request up to 20 marriages per month. 

To request a marriage record just
Sorry but I only accept requests from persons living in the United States.
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   This page created on March 16, 2001.

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