Richmond & Norfolk city Cemetery Interment Cards
If you would like to try to find your ancestors in Richmond and Norfolk city cemetery interment cards then I will be glad to search for them for you.
Here is a list of the cemeteries and the years I can search for:
Richmond city
Evergreen Cemetery Holy Cross Cemetery
years: 1929-1993 years: 1871-1993
Hollywood Cemetery
years: 1847-1997
Maury and Mt. Olivet Cemetery
years: 1877-1982
Oakwood Cemetery Riverview Cemetery
years: 1856-1982 years: 1888-1982
Shockoe Cemetery Woodland Cemetery
years: 1822-1982 Henrico County
years: 1920-1993
Norfolk city
Calvary Cemetery Elmwood Cemetery
years: 1920-1990 years: 1853-1990
Forest Lawn Cemetery Hebrew Cemetery
years: 1909-1991 years: 1818-1878
Magnolia Cemetery Riverside Memorial Park
years: 1860-1990 years: 1912-1991
West Point Cemetery Woodland Cemetery
years: 1877-1977 years: 1920-1993
(most cards 1890-1930)
The flat fee per search right now is: $10.00 per name requested.
The payment is now asked for in advance due to non- payment by some people. I will hold onto payments until the work is done.
Please do not send surnames do send a person's first and last name, date of death or burial if you know it, if not I can check the death certificate indexes for Richmond city from 1902-1954 and for the state of Va. from 1912-1954, that is if you have it down to at least 5 years. And of course tell me which cemetery's interment cards you want me to search.
If you would like to send requests then please
My name is Beth, thank you.

This page was last updated on: October 18, 2019
Copyright© 2004-2019 by M. E. Bond.